Protest the Ukulele BAN !!!! at Take Me Out to the Ball Game Anniversary:
I am mounting a protest to right the wrong of the ukulele NOT being allow at the celebration of the 100th birthday of “Take me out to the Ball Game” Twin brothers won the Baby Ruth song competition with a great rendition with a ukulele/tuba combo. The reward was they could sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” at the Major League All-Star Game. The ukulele was not allowed as part of the performance. I don’t understand the decision. I don’t what I am going to do, just yet. But I will not let our collective ukulele voices be unheard. Below are some the gory details of this injustice from Al Wood of Ukulele Hunt.
Terry Truhart
Baby Ruth held a contest to celebrate the 100th birthday of Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Entrants sent in their rendition of the song and the winner was decided by public vote. Obviously, the winner was a ukulelist, Adam Wilber. The prize was to sing at the MLB All Star Game. But, as Gary pointed out, the ukulele was banned and he had to sing along with a belching organ. Shame on you MLB. Give the public what it wants: ukes by the barrel-load.
I suggest your protest by grabbing these chords and playing it outside the offices of the MLB in protest. If it helps you to get as drunk as Eddie Vedder when you do it, I have no objections.
(Via Ukeaholics's Weblog.)